1 event found
Keywords: Records
Content provider: Australian BioCommons or Australian Society of Archi...
Keeping Archives Online Learning Series
1 July 2016 - 31 December 2025
Keeping Archives Online Learning Series https://www.archivists.org.au/learning-publications/online-courses#KA https://dresa.org.au/events/keeping-archives-online-learning-series Our pioneering online learning program, based on our respected publication Keeping Archives, was launched in 2016. It provides a new level of learning in the archives and records profession, filling a gap between a tertiary course and on-the-job experience. These courses are ideal for: - People who are new to archives and need a grounding in archival principles; - Students who wish to enhance the archival component of their training; - Professional archivists who may require a refresher in new archival methods and theory – e.g. emergent web technologies and social media platforms; - Statutory organisations whose staff need records and archives knowledge as part of their responsibilities. - Organisations with volunteers who engage in archival work and need basic knowledge. 2016-07-01 09:00:00 UTC 2025-12-31 17:00:00 UTC Australian Society of Archivists Australia Australia Australian Society of Archivists office@archivists.org.au [] [] [] open_to_all ArchivesRecordsArvchivingRecordkeeping
Keeping Archives Online Learning Series
1 July 2016 - 31 December 2025
Keeping Archives Online Learning Series https://www.archivists.org.au/learning-publications/online-courses#KA https://dresa.org.au/events/keeping-archives-online-learning-series Our pioneering online learning program, based on our respected publication Keeping Archives, was launched in 2016. It provides a new level of learning in the archives and records profession, filling a gap between a tertiary course and on-the-job experience. These courses are ideal for: - People who are new to archives and need a grounding in archival principles; - Students who wish to enhance the archival component of their training; - Professional archivists who may require a refresher in new archival methods and theory – e.g. emergent web technologies and social media platforms; - Statutory organisations whose staff need records and archives knowledge as part of their responsibilities. - Organisations with volunteers who engage in archival work and need basic knowledge. 2016-07-01 09:00:00 UTC 2025-12-31 17:00:00 UTC Australian Society of Archivists Australia Australia Australian Society of Archivists office@archivists.org.au [] [] [] open_to_all ArchivesRecordsArvchivingRecordkeeping

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